Bowden and Alexander logo

Bowden and Alexander, 112 South Fountain Street, Montfort, WI 53569 (608) 943-6952

sale image
Great for storage!

Chasewood Flat Oak Panel Richwood Raised Oak Panel
Quantity List Price Sale Price Quantity List Price Sale Price
10 W9x30 108.0040.00 4 W9x30 135.0049.00
3 W15x30 128.0047.00 5 W15x30 159.0057.00
20 W18x30 135.0049.00 1 W18x30 198.0070.00
8 W27x30 183.0065.00 2 W27x30 230.0080.00
1 W30x30 192.0068.00 2 W33x30 251.0087.00
2 W33x30 196.0069.00 4 W42x30 286.0099.00
1 W36x30 214.0075.00 8 W48x30 312.00107.00
2 W42x30 227.0079.00 7 WA24x30 272.0094.00
12 W48x30 245.0085.00 6 W30x15 168.0060.00
13 WA24x30 214.0075.00 4 W33x15 174.0062.00
5 W30x12 132.0049.00 6 W36x15 180.0064.00
8 W33x15 132.0049.00 1 W24x18 161.0059.00
3 W36x15 135.0051.00 4 W30x18 185.0065.00
1 W24x18 124.0045.00 1 W36x18 199.0070.00
2 W30x18 150.0054.00 2 W24x21 174.0062.00
2 W42x18 164.0059.00 2 W42x21 225.0079.00
7 W24x21 135.0049.00
1 W30x21 159.0057.00
2 W42x21 172.0061.00
Services we offer:
Window repair Cut & thread pipe Carpet cleaning rental
Glass cutting Key Cutting Custom paint mixing
Lay-a-way Delivery